Sunday, 26 August 2012

Step by Step Guide to VPS setup for webhosting ( Linux Ubuntu)

Now a days we are seeing lot of new websites floating in the internet space. you may be wondering how to host a website.

hosting of website depends on the content of the website. Is your website contains only static data or dynamic data ( generated using some technologies like Java,Grails,Rails,ASP etc).

If your website contains just a static data ,then hosting of website is pretty much simple, you need to take a web hosting space from websites like,,
If you website contain dynamic data then you have to take Virtual Private Servers (VPS) Hosting or specific packages like Tomcat Hosting package etc.
some of the vps hosting providers are,, 

VPS Hosting allows for custom configurations and installations, because it gives you full root access to the virtual server.

Follow the below steps to install the mostly used software needed for website hosting.

Step 1: Installation of Java

Step2:  Download the tomcat from the apache site
Step3 (Optional): Download the flex SDK from the adobe  site, this need for flex project
mkdir flex_sdk_4.5.1
unzip -d flex_sdk_4.5.1

Step 4: Database configuration
Install the mysql server using below command
#sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Create database by using the below SQL command
Sql> create database  mydb;
Create user  ”myuser” with password  “mypassword”
Sql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ' myuser '@' localhost ' IDENTIFIED BY mypassword WITH GRANT OPTION;

Step5: Install the subversion for checkout of svn project
#sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn

#svn  co  <SVN project URL>

Step6: configuration of environment variables

Copy following statement and append to /etc/profile or .bashrc  file, make system set JAVA_HOME into system environment variable.

export  JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m"
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/<JavaInstalltionDir>" 
eg: export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-"
Step7: Install of Ant
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ant

once all the required software installation is done on your VPS server , you can build your source code checkout using svn. then copy your war file in the tomcat webapps folder,then start your tomcat server .once all the setup and deployment is done , you can start accessing your website URL using the public IP provided by your VPS hosting provider.


  1. Nice to read your post!!! Well the two and most important factors for $1 Web Hosting are the actual computer space that’s allotted for website files and also the speed at which a person can access those files when they are trying to access them using the Internet.
